Media & Performance Training

Corinna Egerer has been hosting events on stage for many years. She skillfully brings people together and facilitates the effective presentation of the participants and their ideas.
But: How do I myself present professionally on stage? How do I make a confident and convincing impression in live situations, in panel discussions and in front of a camera?
Everyone can learn how to come across well on stage!
Corinna Egerer coaches people to present themselves professionally and authentically, focusing on the unique qualities of each individual’s personality. She works with executives and managers working for corporations and medium sized companies and with C-level executives of start-ups – especially valuing her work with women business leaders!

Corinna Egerer shares her experiences and insights during individual coaching sessions to guide you to performing at your personal best:
Training starts with getting to know each other before moving on clarifying your personal goals for the coaching: for example, is it training for presentations on a stage or in an interview setting, in a pitch meeting, in front of a camera or in a podcast situation?
Having established the goals for the session, Corinna guides your development through hands-on-training: You will act out spontaneous situations in front of a camera and will work on your performance – until you achieve your personal best.
To wrap up the coaching, you will receive practical advice for preparing public speaking events.